How long do you feel sad after a breakup?  Wondering “will the pain of my breakup go away”?  It’s gonna suck!  It’s going to hurt. It does get better with time. ( I know FU right!?!) But it’s true. Heartbreak hurts really badly.

Heartbreak takes patience and kindness. There is literally no quick fix. Sorry to break it to you.  Here more on how do you stop hurting after a breakup.

Heartbreak does allow time for reflection, training yourself to manage your thoughts as you go through it.

It teaches you to stay in your own business, and have healthy grieving.

Get out and do things to figure out who you are again.  Meet new people.  I suggest meetup to my clients so they can start doing new and different things they have always wanted.

Try your best to not just sit and think.  This is causing you additional pain that is not needed for your breakup recovery.

Be kind to yourself. Do nice things for you. Treat you like the most important person in the world who is hurting, because you are.


Will the pain of my breakup go away?  Check out this article for more on stop hurting after your breakup

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