UGH! A breakup.  Why do I feel this way after a breakup?  It hurts, you’re sad, you miss them, you aren’t sure if you’ll ever feel better.

Don’t worry, it will get better, you will make it. You are going to be ok!  This is all normal.

I know during the relationship hangover, I hated hearing it will just take time, but it’s true. The more you work on yourself, the faster you feel better.

The work is grieving, healing, figuring out who you are again, and what you like.

The work isn’t easy, but it’s worth it.

Grieving is necessary. The relationship is over. You need to be sad and miss it. For more on grieving click here.

Healing: it takes time to heal just like a wound does on the physical body. Expecting to heal quicker than a broken bone would, is unrealistic. Setting the expectation to yourself that it will be quicker isn’t being fair to yourself. Take the time to heal so you are ok long term. Be kind to yourself, be caring, loving and compassion with yourself.

Figuring out who you are again. Here’s why I say this:  Feeling empty after a breakup is part of it.  You were a couple for xyz amount of time. Most of us don’t spend time meeting ourselves during this time. What you used to like may be meh now. So the question becomes do you leave your life at meh or do you figure out what you really enjoy?  Recreating yourself is a blast. Have fun with it. Try new things. See how it feels inside. Does it give you joy and happiness or meh.

Don’t worry, you will be ok. Feeling like this is normal.

Here’s some more on getting through the breakup pain



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