There are many reasons why people may move on quickly after a breakup.

🪸They were emotionally detached: Your ex-partner may have been emotionally detached from the relationship and had already mentally checked out long before the breakup. In this case, they may have been emotionally ready to move on quickly after the breakup.

🪸They were already prepared for the breakup: Sometimes, a breakup may be a long time coming. Your ex-partner may have been mentally and emotionally preparing themselves for the breakup for a while, which could explain why they seem to have moved on so quickly.

🪸They may be using it as a coping mechanism: Everyone deals with heartbreak differently, and some people cope by distracting themselves with new activities or relationships. While this can be a healthy way to move on, it’s important to remember that everyone has their own timeline for healing.

🪸They may be trying to make you jealous: It’s also possible that your ex-partner is trying to make you jealous by appearing to move on quickly. This could be a way to get back at you for the breakup, or they may be trying to elicit a reaction from you.

🪸It’s important to remember that everyone heals at their own pace, and just because someone appears to have moved on quickly doesn’t mean that they’re not still dealing with the emotions of the breakup. It’s essential to focus on your own healing and not compare yourself to others.

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