What is a Distraction Diet?



Are you avoiding feeling crappy by using distractions, escapes, and bandaids?  


Are you going out more?


Drinking or eating more?


Rebounds not as much fun as they once were?


Are you back to being a party animal?


These are all distractions from actually feeling your breakup. Escapes and bandaids do get old and tiring after a while. At some point they have to be added to or amped up to get the same pleasure you once got from them.


Going on a distraction diet will help you refocus on you, your life, your growth.


Why is this healing important?

It’s important because removing these gives you an opportunity to manage your emotional life. Once your emotional life is on lock, you begin to move into your true life, your true pleasures, true pain, true friendships, true relationships with yourself and others.


Please remember, if your life needs an escape, your life needs work not the distraction you are using.


What distractions, escapes, bandaids are you using?  Are you willing to give them up? Try for a week then continue for a month. Let me know how it goes and what happens.


Not sure how to work with this?


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