I had a toxic guy in my life.  I finally took my own advice and just blocked him.  I was tired to trying to manage the chaos and bullshit so I just blocked. I needed to remove this toxic person out of my life. He was more work than joy he brought me.

To hell with the consequences of him attempting to manipulate friends to turn them against me.

None of that mattered anymore.  I needed to be done with this toxic shit.

The overwhelming sense of relief showed up immediately.

I almost felt guilty at my relief.

The chaos was gone.

The daily drama was gone.

It felt weird at the same time.  I found I had so much more time and energy.

At the same time, I had this emptiness because I had more time.

I decided the emptiness was way better than the chaos.

So what happened once I removed a toxic person out of my life?

I had an old friend message me to make sure I was fine and my family was fine during the COVID quarantine.  We haven’t spoken in 2 years and out of the blue I got a text.

A two days later, an old friend I use to work with as a field rep in corporate America called to just check in and catch up after 6 years.  We sat on facetime for the day.  I got to meet his wife and reconnect a relationship i valued a lot.

That’s not it.  There’s more 

After that another friend I haven’t spoken with in over a year messaged me to check in and say hi and chat.

That’s 3 people showing up from the US and Canada in one week as soon as i cleared out the toxic person in my life.  I had the time and energy to give to people I truly cherished and they showed up.

I believe everything happens exactly when it should.  When I hit block, I had the availability to reconnect with old friends.  

It’s worth doing something hard to come out feeling better and have the space in your life to have the good show up.

Take care of you!  You’re the most important thing in the world.

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