Do you want to sleep with your ex after your breakup?

Is sleeping with your ex healthy for you?

Why do you want to?

If you do, how do you feel after? Later that night? Tomorrow?

Does it make your breakup pain worse?

The only person who knows if you should or shouldn’t is YOU!

What happens is we don’t make conscious decisions about having sex with your ex after a breakup which can cause pain, hurt, misunderstandings, hopes and expectations show up.

Stop and ask yourself questions like the ones above before going through with anything.

Pay attention to your body and how it feels when deciding.

If it feels terrible inside…don’t do it.

A little “fun” for the moment, but feeling terrible later isn’t worth it.

When you spend a few minutes analyzing and deciding, you have far less regrets.

One last thing that should be considered is are either of you trying to get back together?

This is important to think about so that the expectations of what having sex with your ex is about. If one believes it’s the gateway to get back together it could be like ripping the scab off a wound that you or they have worked so hard to heal.

Be clear, have the conversation to make sure and then decide.

Pay attention, assess, decide, and be safe if you decide to go for it.

Do you need someone to help you try to figure out if this is a good idea for you or not? Let’s talk about it…