The short quick answer is no. The longer answer is nope.

Quickly replacing someone seems like the best way to get over someone, but it’s just a bandaid (Click here for more on this).  To truly get over someone you need to do the work on you after a breakup. Rediscover who you are as a single person. What are your likes and dislikes now? Do you know? When I say this I don’t mean yeah that’s cool, I mean real likes and dislikes.

Try new things. Don’t just replace the person. It doesn’t give you time to heal and be clear of your wants and needs now in a partner.

You will hear “aw just go find someone new from your friends”,  It’s 100% ok to stay single after a break up. It’s ok to not rush in. It’s perfectly normal to not find the next Ms.Right Now.


Take some time, heal your heart and soul. Reflect on the lessons learned from the relationship.

Figure out who you are again.

There’s no rush! I promise.

Need help sorting this out?