Many don’t look at the loss of a relationship as a place where you need to grieve. Death isn’t the only time to grieve. Recovering from your breakup, grieving the loss is important.

Grieving the loss if a relationship is something you should allow yourself to do.

Cry. Then cry some more if you need to. If you don’t think it’s ok for men to cry, here’s your permission slip to do so.

I find crying in the shower is great. I’m able to cry out the hurt and the shower and the water washes it down the drain.

Please know if you do not allow yourself to grieve it does bubble up and will come to the surface eventually. It could take days, weeks, months, or years, but it ALWAYS shows back up.

Take the time to grieve. Give yourself permission to be sad, be hurt, be upset, be angry, to miss her. Try to keep the grieving clean and truthful; not stories your head makes up to make you feel worse.


How long do you feel sad after a breakup

I know you’re thinking, well how long does this grieving thing last?  It lasts as long as you need it to. There’s no timeline for this. Like zero timeline.

I’ve had clients tell me they still feel crappy after 2 weeks shouldn’t they be done grieving? My answer is always the same, how long do you think it should take? Where did you get that magic number? No two people will take the same amount of time to grieve and that’s what makes us individuals. So ditch the number and grieve until you’re done. You’ll know when you’re done.


Are you still trying to manage your breakup pain?

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