Q&A Sess

What is Life Coaching?


Life Coaching, to me, is looking at today forward.  We work on thinking, what you want your life to look like, how to manage life and all that comes at you, and have 100% unconditional support.

Friends and family are awesome, but sometimes they think their ideas for your life are the best.  I don’t believe that. I believe your life choices are the best for you. I stand in your corner and support those decisions with you, even if they don’t turn out so awesome.

How do we connect?


We can do a call or video conference.  That is up to you and what feels best for you.

For the call, I have you call me at your appointment time.  

For Video conference there will be a link and we meet there.  Please note if you pick the video conference, we will probably have a visitor or 2 during your call.  Toni Stark the Wonder Kitty likes to join in. So if you’re allergic to cats, take your allergy pills ahead of joining the video conference.

What else: You have unlimited email support throughout the time we work together.  Use me as things come up so we can work them out before the next call.

What to expect?

Questions!!  Lots and lots of questions.  This allows you to get the full picture of what you are thinking and dissect it to make sure you are happy.

Complete honestly from me.  I love facts and truths. As one client said, “it’s brutal sometimes, but always from a place of love”.

Expect hard work and self examination.  Know that once you see there is a better way to think, it’s hard to go back to how you lived before.  It’s worth it though.

How long do we work together?

My packages are 3 months for coaching.  I find this gives enough time to learn and practice all your new tools while getting support.  At the end of the 3 months, you want or need more, we keep rockin’.

I do not offer less than 3 months as I do not feel it is enough time together to ensure you have learned the tools needed to be life-changing and be successful with them long-term.

Why a coach?

Everyone in life needs unconditional love and support as they make life changes.  I do that for my clients.

I stay neutral in your choices and you will not hear “I told you so” (unless it’s SEEEEE I told you that it works, if you question yourself).

I empower for a living.  I give tools to my clients that allows them to rock their decisions and own them, no matter how they turn out.  I teach people how to give zero fks about society and what it thinks about you and your decisions.

I know, for me, I needed a coach to help unstick me and I couldn’t do it alone.  Trust me I tried for like 8 months. (yeah, I know, stubborn).