I talk about coming up with new traditions after a breakup and you are single again to survive holidays and set you on track for the new year.

Here’s one I started doing a few years ago.  

On New Year’s Eve, I write a letter to the outgoing year.  I can thank it, cuss it, or get that closure so I can start fresh in the next year.  I can use it to release what I’ve been holding on to that doesn’t feel good.  

After I’m done with that, I think about what I want for the next year. I craft a letter welcoming into the next year with goals and plans that I hope to accomplish.

I do this late into the evening normally with a glass of wine or tea.  I take my time to celebrate, relax, and enjoy the process.  I stopped enjoying celebrating by going out years ago so I just stay in now.  Why force something you don’t enjoy, come up with new traditions. 

On New Year’s Day, I take my new year  list/letter and begin planning how to accomplish those goals.


Get in shape:

What is a reasonable work out plan and schedule?  Be realistic and set your goals when you are starting.  Learn to not cancel on yourself.  We many times put things off until tomorrow.  Don’t cancel your workout plan like you wouldn’t cancel on your best friend wanting to talk to you.

Get a promotion at work:

What do you need to do to set yourself up for success to position yourself for promotion?  How can you show you are the right fit for that new promotion?  What does that look like for you?  Set those goals and backward plan how to get there and what you need to do.

Travel more:

Where do you want to go? How much will it cost? How will you pay for it? How much can you put away a month realistically?  Start planning your vacation so it’s easier to skip that Starbucks in the morning or cheaper to meal prep and take your lunch to work so you can head off and see the world.

Keeping your goal posted:

Make sure you keep your goal posted so you can see it and remind yourself.

Some great options are to make a phone background with your goal.  Put it on a widget smith.  Use it as your screensaver on your computer so it’s a constant reminder.  Go old school and have a post-it on your monitor to help you stay focused.

Make sure you can see it.  It will help you stay on track.

Give it a try and see if it helps focus your new year.

Having a difficult time with your breakup? Check this out

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