Lessons help your breakup pain

Lessons help your breakup pain

I believe everything in life has a lesson and if we don’t learn them, we keep getting smacked in the face with them until we learn them. What I suggest to my clients is the lessons can help breakup pain and all parts of your life. Break ups are no different. The...

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It’s so hard not talking to an ex

It’s so hard not talking to an ex

OMG I KNOW!  It’s so hard not talking to an ex. Here’s an activity I share with clients when this comes up. Think back to the last 15 conversations with her. How did they go?  How did you feel during and after? Focus on how you felt. Was it good? If so, what was good/...

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Everything Reminds Me of My Ex

Everything Reminds Me of My Ex

Are there things you purposely shy away from because everything reminds you of your ex?  Do you think you would still like those things if the memories weren’t attached to them? All the memories you have attached to things you have liked in the past can make it...

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Getting back together with your ex

Getting back together with your ex

I hear this a lot!  I’ve said it a lot after a breakup. Is getting back together with your ex a good idea? Here’s something I want you to examine when you say that...what makes you believe it will work this time?  What have you worked on, what have they worked on?...

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Why do I feel this way after a breakup

Why do I feel this way after a breakup

UGH! A breakup.  Why do I feel this way after a breakup?  It hurts, you’re sad, you miss them, you aren’t sure if you’ll ever feel better. Don’t worry, it will get better, you will make it. You are going to be ok!  This is all normal. I know during the relationship...

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Let’s clean it up…a post breakup overhaul

Let’s clean it up…a post breakup overhaul

After a break up, sometimes we need a fresh start. I work with my clients on decluttering their houses, cars, lives after a breakup because cleaning it up as part of a post breakup overhaul helps with the pain of your breakup. Clutter makes life more complicated. More...

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