Removing toxic people out of your life.

Removing toxic people out of your life.

I had a toxic guy in my life.  I finally took my own advice and just blocked him.  I was tired to trying to manage the chaos and bullshit so I just blocked. I needed to remove this toxic person out of my life. He was more work than joy he brought me. To hell...

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When do you know your relationship is over?

When do you know your relationship is over?

Have you ever said “what if…” when questioning if you should breakup with your girlfriend? These 2 little words are keys to know if/when it’s time to walk away. If you are saying what if… Stick around longer.  You haven’t gotten to the point where a clean break...

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How long should I miss my ex?

How long should I miss my ex?

I was scanning social media today and I saw someone who still missed their ex from 20 years ago. Instantly I had questions... Did this guy actually miss his ex from 20 years ago or did he have this unicorns and rainbows picture of this said relationship. How does he...

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Hot & Cold: She comes in and out of your life.

Hot & Cold: She comes in and out of your life.

Have you ever had someone come in and out of your life? They message for a week then you meet up, have a good time, and poof gone again and you're ghosted. Then they show back up again being all lovey dovey to you a few weeks later? Some call this behavior of coming...

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Learn to communicate better: React vs Respond

Learn to communicate better: React vs Respond

Have you ever paid attention to how you communicate when you aren't happy with something? Do you react or respond? Do you hear you don't communicate well? Do you want to learn to communicate better? Have you noticed how people communicate with you when they aren't...

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How do I stop thinking about my ex?

How do I stop thinking about my ex?

I hear how do I stop thinking about my ex a lot from my clients. Breakups are really painful and when you sit and think about your ex all the time, you are causing yourself more pain than you need to. It's normal 🙂 What I share with my clients is start listening to...

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