Comparing your date to your ex

Comparing your date to your ex

If you are noticing things your date is doing that your ex did, you might not be ready to date. You are comparing your date to your ex... The reason this is important is, when you are looking for things to compare, your date doesn’t get a fair chance to be...

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Being Angry with your ex

Being Angry with your ex

Do you catch yourself being angry with your ex or being angry at what your ex did to you? Holding on to anger toward your ex will continue to haunt you and all future relationships.  Yes, maybe your ex did shitty things, but  they are going on about their lives...

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New Year, Single, New Traditions

New Year, Single, New Traditions

I talk about coming up with new traditions after a breakup and you are single again to survive holidays and set you on track for the new year. Here’s one I started doing a few years ago.   On New Year's Eve, I write a letter to the outgoing year.  I can...

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Trying to beat your ex to find someone new

Trying to beat your ex to find someone new

Have you examined why you are in such a rush to start dating again?  Are you lonely? Are you trying to beat your ex to find someone new?  Are you really ready to date and find someone new? Taking time to step back to figure out why you are doing things is...

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Can’t get ex out of your head while dating…

Can’t get ex out of your head while dating…

What does it look like when your ex is living rent free in your head? Thinking about exThings trigger you because your ex did itBring up your ex in conversationsBlame your ex for everythingThe list can go on and on here I’m going to share a couple stories and if any...

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