Our Voice Can Make a Difference: Men we Need your Help

Dear Men, We need your help. Women have been throwing the bullshit flag on excuses on why rape happens. The latest excuse was alcohol, promiscuity, and my favorite was “it wasn’t a violent crime”. I understand people use the “if it was your daughter, sister, mom,...

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My Few Steps Back on Life’s Journey

My Few Steps Back on Life's Journey As we work on ourselves, we are bound to make forward progress and then a few steps back.  This weekend I took a step back and I’m glad I did.  It gave me the opportunity to slow down and take care of me as I nurtured myself back...

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Friends, the Family We Get to Pick & How to Love on Them!

As we have become more busy as a society, we have forgotten what friends need and we need from friends. This has recently become more interesting in my life as I have launched a business. I got an email after having a short conversation with an old friend saying “I’m...

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Comfort Zone and the Holy BLEEP Moment

Comfort Zone and the Holy BLEEP Moment So the last couple weeks I had an assignment from a group I’m apart of. This group is a bunch of coaches mixed in with an amazing artist who have been together for the last 6 months. We have all begun to start our businesses...

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BAM! She Did it

BAM! She Did it! So I’ve been working with a lady for a couple months and today she did it. She finally had that complete break through we both have been waiting for. We have been on the edge of the cliff for the last couple weeks dabbling in her taking her life back...

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The Art of Busy

The Art of Busy   We American’s have glamorized busy. Is busy glamorous? If so, why? I ask my self this all the time. Why did I use to say so often when working in Corporate America? I was busy…how often did I say I was so busy?  The answer is A LOT!  Busy was a...

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