OMG I KNOW! It’s so hard not talking to an ex.
Here’s an activity I share with clients when this comes up.
Think back to the last 15 conversations with her. How did they go? How did you feel during and after? Focus on how you felt. Was it good? If so, what was good/ if bad, what was bad? Describe how you felt. (Click here for word chart to help)
Write this all down then ask yourself, do I miss how we have been interacting the last 15 conversations.
Many times we get stuck in unicorns and rainbows when we miss the talking, but that’s not who you both are right now.
Relief comes from telling yourself the truth. You miss back then, not so much now. (100% my case every time)
When you can honestly tell yourself it’s best we don’t talk now and it’s not healthy for me mentally (and believe it). You gain your power back. YOU choosing to not talk because it feels crappy is way better than trying to talk and feeling like garbage every time during or after.
Practice this: No communication with your ex can make you feel better.
Practice noticing if your thoughts keep going to the past and unicorns and rainbows. Pull yourself back to the present day and how you communicated the last 15 conversations
It’s so hard not talking to your ex. Need help? Let’s talk about it…