gamer 3It’s Not Just Gaming, It’s Life Too…

The world of gaming is an interesting one and has plenty of judgments that come with it, but gaming has taught me some very valuable lessons.

You can meet some life long friends through games. They can be super important to you. They can be the ones you message when your world falls apart, to celebrate with, to lean on, or when you need a friendly voice because they truly get you. I have been a part of some pretty cool pieces of my gaming friends lives. We have experienced marriages, funerals, illnesses, new jobs, new friends, and new additions to families. I’ve asked for advice, a logo to be designed for a non-profit, mid day drinks when visiting Dallas, and had my mom send hats to my friend who’s mom was battling cancer which she knit with love and his mom adored and wore often. Gaming friends have been some of my best friends!

The size of the account is not the most important thing. The person behind the phone, iPad, and computer is what’s important. They want to be listened to, heard, validated, and want to share what’s going on in their lives as much as I do. When their lives are falling apart or mine is, to be able to log on and have a friend online 24/7 is really comforting. I traveled a lot for work in my past and no matter where I was in the country, my gaming friends were there to keep me company when I was alone in a hotel room.gamer1

Another super valuable lesson gaming has taught me is sometimes you just outgrow your group you originally joined. It’s ok, yes it’s like a break up, but you’ll be ok and it’s ok to want to take your game to a new level as well as in life. New levels mean new friends, new relationships, new jobs, new beginnings. Gaming taught me that I’m accepted for wanting and recognizing that next level of play is awesome!

There are haters everywhere whether its insecurity of those throwing hate or just because they like to be little trolls, you can handle it with class and style. You can represent yourself well if you don’t play into their drama. Ignoring haters really does drive them crazy because they get no attention. 🙂 I’ve learned to say enough is enough and stand up for myself with lots of practice in gaming which has helped me be successful in life too.

Technology is amazing. What gamers do on YouTube to market and brand themselves has taken my business to a new level with an introduction to my own company’s YouTube videos. Why shouldn’t my intros be as cool as gamers? I’m a gamer therefore, I had awesome people to ask how to do things and my learning curve was less.

I’ve learned through my gaming friends, I’m the luckiest woman in the world. They protect, love, support, and hope the best for me. There are many I’ve been friends with 8+ years and with each game, I go into it looking to make lasting friendships with them. Who doesn’t love having a super supportive tribe all over the world? I have one that I wouldn’t trade for anything. My gaming friends have been the ones most excited about my business launch. They are checking my website, blog, and programs regularly. They comment and ask about what I’m writing next.  This one is dedicated to you all!!! I love you dearly!

xo Sep peeps, Kevin, Spenc, Joseph, Chris, Tam, Darrin and Jason! You all have traveled many roads with me and couldn’t ask for a better group to share my world with.

Have an opinion or similar story on where you met some of the coolest peeps on the planet?  Share it with me on Facebook!