Many times we get stuck in rut after a breakup.  We wonder “should I miss my ex” Here’s something you can to to help you gain some perspective on missing her.  Being realistic about the relationship and your ex is 

Split your paper in half (hot dog style as my 8th graders would say)

then split it again same way so you have 4 long columns.

On the left ½ write down all the good things you’re going to miss about her. When you are done, fold that side up.

On the right side write what you won’t miss about her. Things that drove you crazy, made you feel badly, hurt you etc. (you have full permission to be mean here)

Now that you are done put this away. Bring it out when you need a reminder that not all things in the relationship were unicorns and rainbows.

Same goes when you’re super frustrated or angry, look at the good qualities.

This will help keep you on an even balance through the grieving process of your relationship and deciding if you should miss your ex and if you are missing your ex for the right reasons.  Maybe you are missing having someone around and not really missing your ex.  This happens a lot with my clients.  They feel the void of having their ex around but not actually their ex and the problems their whole relationship had.

Are you still trying to manage your breakup pain?  Read this article for tips

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