Ok, I’m super frustrated with comparing Caitlyn Jenner with someone in the military to bash her. Yes, the military is amazing and wonderful and we love them. They are Heroes and Courageous with a capital H and C.

With that being said…since when did the American language have only one example as its definition? Can you not be courageous for leaving an abusive relationship or is that only for when you defend this country? Does it not take courage to be your true self? Does it not take courage to leave a job and start a business that may or may not be successful? Is it not courageous to say enough is enough when something is complete shit especially if it goes against the norm?

Personally, I’m tired of seeing people post that someone else’s act took no courage because only our military can use that noun. I will say, who the fuck are you to judge who or what shows courage or not? Who gave you the right to decide for all American people what courage looks like? Courage like humans, come in all shapes, sizes, color, gender, sexual orientation, and being true to themselves.

I worked with the military for the last 7 years. Yes, they show extreme amounts of courage, as does every other human in the world every single day. Stop the judging and throwing your shit (social media and media) on everyone else, thinking your definition of courage is the only one that matters. Courage isn’t in only one form and if you think that’s the truth, then you should reassess your lives in all the things you want multiple meanings for.  Start with using single definitions of love, respect, dignity, being true to self, hate, courage, values, strength, and the list can continue forever.

All that know me, I’m the first to post for military birthdays, know the difference between Veteran’s day and Memorial Day. My best friends serve this great nation. They are all beyond the word courageous, but so am I. I don’t need to put my life in harms way to feel I have extreme amounts of courage. I cancelled a wedding a month before, I have been stalked, I have been abused, I have quit my job because it didn’t make me happy, and I am starting a business with a minimal safety net. Mix that in with dealing with haters who like to make life miserable and handle it with class and style. To me I ooze with courage as do those with cancer and other diseases that take so many lives, cops, fire fighters, teachers in some areas, corrections officers, and many many more.

So if I’m not courageous, what am I? If you’re not courageous, what are you?