Why did my ex move on quickly?

Why did my ex move on quickly?

There are many reasons why people may move on quickly after a breakup. 🪸They were emotionally detached: Your ex-partner may have been emotionally detached from the relationship and had already mentally checked out long before the breakup. In this case, they may have...
Breakups never happen out of the blue

Breakups never happen out of the blue

Breakups never happen out of the blue. They happen over time even you “don’t see them coming”. The signs were there: Was more time asked for?How was the communication stop?Did either of you begin not being home as much?Find excuses to be out or busy...
What does working on yourself mean?

What does working on yourself mean?

Often advice after a breakup is work on yourself, but what does working on yourself really mean? It means putting the focus on you instead of anyone else. When we always put others first, we deplete ourselves.  When in a relationship this is normal, but still not...
New Year, Single, New Traditions

New Year, Single, New Traditions

I talk about coming up with new traditions after a breakup and you are single again to survive holidays and set you on track for the new year. Here’s one I started doing a few years ago.   On New Year’s Eve, I write a letter to the outgoing year. ...
It’s so hard not talking to an ex

It’s so hard not talking to an ex

OMG I KNOW!  It’s so hard not talking to an ex. Here’s an activity I share with clients when this comes up. Think back to the last 15 conversations with her. How did they go?  How did you feel during and after? Focus on how you felt. Was it good? If so, what was good/...