Can’t get ex out of your head while dating…

Can’t get ex out of your head while dating…

What does it look like when your ex is living rent free in your head? Thinking about exThings trigger you because your ex did itBring up your ex in conversationsBlame your ex for everythingThe list can go on and on here I’m going to share a couple stories and if any...
Talking about your ex

Talking about your ex

This is normal, but no woman wants to hear you talking about your ex on a date.  One or two sweeping comments isn’t horrible, but more is going to make a second date not super possible.  This is no different than you not wanting a play by play of her...
Words matter when talking with your girlfriend.

Words matter when talking with your girlfriend.

It’s interesting how often I hear, “they are just words or you take words so literally”. Learning to communicate better and be better with words will help you talk with your girlfriend better. This actually blows my mind.  Why wouldn’t you take words...
Hot & Cold: She comes in and out of your life.

Hot & Cold: She comes in and out of your life.

Have you ever had someone come in and out of your life? They message for a week then you meet up, have a good time, and poof gone again and you’re ghosted. Then they show back up again being all lovey dovey to you a few weeks later? Some call this behavior of...
Learn to communicate better: React vs Respond

Learn to communicate better: React vs Respond

Have you ever paid attention to how you communicate when you aren’t happy with something? Do you react or respond? Do you hear you don’t communicate well? Do you want to learn to communicate better? Have you noticed how people communicate with you when...