What you use to do before your relationship?

What you use to do before your relationship?

Taking time to to explore what you like and don’t like after a breakup is key.  Have you stopped to remember that thing you use to do before your relationship that you liked? We evolve as humans over time.  It’s important to continue to try new things. My...
Why do I still miss my ex after a breakup?

Why do I still miss my ex after a breakup?

Have you ever wondered why do you still miss your ex after a breakup? That you are looking at all the good times, good qualities, good interactions, then latch on to the good to miss your ex more? If you don’t believe me, next time it happens, pay attention and write...
Lessons help your breakup pain

Lessons help your breakup pain

I believe everything in life has a lesson and if we don’t learn them, we keep getting smacked in the face with them until we learn them. What I suggest to my clients is the lessons can help breakup pain and all parts of your life. Break ups are no different. The...