How long should I miss my ex?

How long should I miss my ex?

I was scanning social media today and I saw someone who still missed their ex from 20 years ago. Instantly I had questions… Did this guy actually miss his ex from 20 years ago or did he have this unicorns and rainbows picture of this said relationship. How does...
How do I stop thinking about my ex?

How do I stop thinking about my ex?

I hear how do I stop thinking about my ex a lot from my clients. Breakups are really painful and when you sit and think about your ex all the time, you are causing yourself more pain than you need to. It’s normal 🙂 What I share with my clients is start listening...
Should I sleep with my ex after a breakup?

Should I sleep with my ex after a breakup?

Do you want to sleep with your ex after your breakup? Is sleeping with your ex healthy for you? Why do you want to? If you do, how do you feel after? Later that night? Tomorrow? Does it make your breakup pain worse? The only person who knows if you should or...
When does breakup pain go away?

When does breakup pain go away?

When does breakup pain go away? I wish there was a clear answer, but there isn’t. Honestly, each human is different in how they process pain, hurt and grieving their relationship. Trying to rush through the healing process will only make you return to the work...
How long does  a breakup hurt?

How long does a breakup hurt?

How long does it take for men to get over breakup pain? If you are still hurting what can you do to feel better quicker? As a life coach that works with men after breakups, I can tell you that breakup pain and hurting after a breakup is normal and natural.  This is...
My ex is talking bad about me…

My ex is talking bad about me…

Ok so maybe your ex is doing some nasty things to you or your ex is talking bad about you. Maybe it hurts because they aren’t true. Maybe they are true which is worse when you realize it. You may want to set the record straight or maybe you want to tell her what she’s...