I believe everything in life has a lesson and if we don’t learn them, we keep getting smacked in the face with them until we learn them. What I suggest to my clients is the lessons can help breakup pain and all parts of your life.

Break ups are no different. The lesson isn’t she’s the problem. It’s things you learned about you, your wants, needs, desires. Revisit your contributions of being a partner.

Mine looked like this:

~ I learned to love like never before and I’m thankful

~ I learned that I lost myself in it which allowed me to recreate myself.

~ We aren’t a good fit together. Sadly, we just weren’t.

~ I don’t want to fight to be heard or fight in general. Discussions are fine, but   not fights.

~ I can’t have someone always frustrated with my best effort. (This allows me   to notice if it shows up again in the next relationship)

Please try to find lessons you have control over. Others’ behavior, you cannot control.

Lessons can help with your breakup pain, what have you learned? want to talk more about it? Let’s chat about it…

More about breakup pain can be found here