I hear this a lot!  I’ve said it a lot after a breakup. Is getting back together with your ex a good idea?

Here’s something I want you to examine when you say that…what makes you believe it will work this time?  What have you worked on, what have they worked on? What part of the person they are at this exact moment makes you believe you would have a successful relationship?

When you spend the time to actually analyze the relationship at the end instead of always going back to the good parts, clarity emerges.

The breakup took time to get to an actual parting of ways. This is all still very present in the relationship if you try again quickly. You haven’t given time for healing and forgetting the crappy parts. Jumping right back in gets you right where you left off.  Doing your work to make sure you go back in without the baggage from your past relationship with her will help you a ton in actually making it work.

If you go back in the way you were before, why is this time different?  If you are carrying back in the same struggles as you did before, why will it work now?  What have you done to grow from the lessons you have learned from reflecting on your relationship?  All this is really important before getting back together with your ex.


Give it time, heal, work on you, then reassess getting back together with your ex.


Are you thinking about having sex with your ex? Check this post out

Still dealing with your breakup pain? Here’s this post on how to get over your ex


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