After a break up, sometimes we need a fresh start. I work with my clients on decluttering their houses, cars, lives after a breakup because cleaning it up as part of a post breakup overhaul helps with the pain of your breakup.

Clutter makes life more complicated. More complicated doesn’t help when emotions are complicated at the same time.

If you are starting over, you might as well get rid of everything you haven’t used, worn, looked at in the last month or year. Give it away, toss it, remove it. You will feel better.

If you aren’t sure how to go about this, Marie Kondo wrote a book about the life changing magic of tidying up. What she describes is making sure you feel good and joy around everything you keep.

Many of us collect things in our lives that we don’t need or use anymore.  She may have left things at your house also.  Make sure you are cleaning up her stuff she left.  You don’t need to throw it out, but get it out of sight.  It doesn’t help you feel better seeing it.

When my brother brokeup with his ex, I brought him new sheets, new comforter cover, new rugs and art for the bathroom she use to use.  I cleaned everything that possibly could remind him of her so he could start working on healing.

Can you do this in other aspects of your life too?

Are there people that just don’t fit you anymore? It’s ok to declutter your friends, your social media, your life.

How I do this is, I try to see if it’s easy to be around them. Can I be myself, my true self and not feel judged?  Are they supportive, but also call me on my shit at the same time. Is there care, love, and compassion? When I say love, I mean unconditionally have your back and support you? If they don’t, do they have a good reason? Ex: you want to fight someone and they don’t blindly take your side or jump in is a good reason.

Decluttering is good for the soul. It gives you a fresh start and gets her stuff out of your house that triggers memories

Are you trying to manage your breakup pain? Check this out

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