How often do we pay attention to what our bodies are telling us?  What is it saying? Why do I actually feel this way?

One thing I never really understood was why I was feeling the way I was.

After learning in coaching school that our thinking, feelings, and emotions are all connected Our bodies are the best way to determine what is going on as something comes up.

Your body tells you everything.  The butterflies, if your chest is tight, if you shake when angry, light and airy, heavy, etc.  These indicators in our body give you the opportunity to examine your thinking and why you are feeling this way.  It allows you to ask if it’s true and question your thoughts that are causing the body’s reaction.

How does this work?

Think about a child eating.  They stop when they are full, it’s the adults that insist they keep eating.  This is when we start disconnecting from what our bodies tell us.

Spending time to get back to basics and not push out of how we feel, our lives get easier.

Here’s how:

  • Our bodies give us our first indicator of how we feel.
  • When we tune in, we can make decisions by how we feel.
    • Example: Treating someone how they treat others when they are rude, being rude back to hurt them more doesn’t actually make you feel better longer than a moment.
  • Knowing you are heading in the right direction.  Sometimes this looks like fear, butterflies, light and airy.  Some of this shows you are growing as a human, expanding and moving into the unknown, or when you are light and airy, it’s that you made the right decision.

How to reconnect with how you feel:

  1. Pay attention
  2. Ask yourself how you feel
  3. Question what your body is telling you.

This takes practice.  It’s been a long time of not paying attention. 

Keep at it. 

It’s life changing!