When someone tries to talk to you about things, have you noticed how you listen? Do you listen to be right? Are you listening to make your next point?

Are you just responding?

Have you put down how someone feels so you can be right?

Have you told someone their feelings are not valid and here’s 700 reasons?


What about, you are wrong to feel this way so it’s actually your fault you are hurting and you should gain confidence and this wouldn’t be an issue?

How do you think this will play out long term?

Do you think the person who hears this is going to look at you the same way as before?

Are you sure this won’t show up when they evaluate the relationship?

Does and it will harm the relationship maybe to where it cannot be repaired.

It’s important to practice listening to hear vs listening to respond so you can be right.   

No that doesn’t make the other person automatically always right.  However it does allow for a conversation on what was actually happening and gain understanding on why someone feels a certain way.

These things are important to preserve any relationship you value.   

There is no right or wrong that is worth ruining a friendship or relationship.  Slow down and work through the hard stuff and do it with respect and dignity and I promise you, you will come out with a better relationship.

Are you still dealing with your heartache check here for more

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