It’s interesting how often I hear, “they are just words or you take words so literally”. Learning to communicate better and be better with words will help you talk with your girlfriend better.

This actually blows my mind.  Why wouldn’t you take words literally?  They are words. 

We as humans have embraced that everything is a rush and we don’t think before we speak and it’s ok

When we do this, stuff comes out that can be harmful to any relationship.

This happens a lot when we are mad.

Think about this: Have you ever said something you wish you hadn’t when talking with your girlfriend and then when you get it brought up again you are mad that they are bringing up old shit?

This is why words are important.  That old shit hurt and has hung around them and they are not happy you said it even in haste.

This doesn’t just go away.  They don’t forget it because you chose to say those words. 

It’s not ok to be bad with words.  There’s no excuse for it.  Most communication today is done in email and text.  If massive business deals can be completed via an email, you can certainly work on communicating with your girlfriend.  

Text and email are not the problem.  It’s not taking the time to pick your words and weigh out the effect of them.  If that is what you truly mean by the words you are saying.  

Think first then respond.  

Listen vs just waiting to respond to make your point

Think about what is going to be said.  Take the extra few seconds to make sure.

Words stick with people

They show back up

Words change relationships for the good and the bad.

It’s your choice to make sure you manage your words and what you mean or you don’t.  But if you choose not to and use the excuse that they are just words, don’t be mad when those just words come back at you.  You actively chose this.

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