Have you ever said “what if…” when questioning if you should breakup with your girlfriend?

These 2 little words are keys to know if/when it’s time to walk away.

If you are saying what if…

Stick around longer.  You haven’t gotten to the point where a clean break can happen.

Here’s how I work with my clients to assess if it’s time to breakup up with your girlfriend.

Question your what if…

Look at everything… When do you know your relationship is over?

Does the what if ACTUALLY become a game changer?  Would everything be perfect and zero issues if this happened is a game changer.

Does the what if try to control someone else? Such as, if she would only do this, or if she would stop doing that when she doesn’t want to do this or stop doing that.

Check in with yourself and decide if you are living in the past or only selective remembering.  What I mean is, remembering that one time you were on vacation for that one hour where things were amazing and perfect.  Or, sitting back thinking about how it was right when you first started dating and how great everything was.  Be very honest with yourself when you remember what you are holding on to as the ideal portions of your relationship.  

If your what if’s are realistic, not selective remembering 1-2 times something happened in your relationship as actual reality of how your relationship should be, you are not in an abusive relationship (because get the f-out immediately)…stick it out.  You aren’t ready for a clean break where there aren’t regrets.

The minute the what if is gone, just go. 

Don’t look back.

This is your key to knowing you are done.

I use this technique with everything I need to decide if it’s time to be done.

Question your thoughts

Question the what if

Notice when the what if goes away

This is your road map to making hard decisions a whole lot easier and know when it’s time to make a change.

Life is so much easier when you know you won’t regret your decision.  It will not remove the hurt or the void that shows up, but it will give you a sigh of relief vs sitting back thinking if you stuck around a minute, week, month, year longer.

Trust yourself, you know when your relationship is over. 

For more on managing your breakup browse here

Would you like to discuss what is going on and if now is the right time to breakup? Let’s chat about it…