Have you ever had someone come in and out of your life?

They message for a week then you meet up, have a good time, and poof gone again and you’re ghosted. Then they show back up again being all lovey dovey to you a few weeks later?

Some call this behavior of coming into your life and back out, bread crumbing and can be seen as stringing you along as a convince to their schedule.

Others may see this as a perfect situation and exactly what they want.

Here’s the great thing, relationships are not one size fits all. There is no right or wrong way to have a relationship.

You get to decide what works for you and what doesn’t.

If it doesn’t, call it off.

No reason to be mad about it. You both want different things and that’s ok.

You get to make the rules of what kind of relationship you want.

The other person gets to decide if what you want, matches their relationship goals. But you need to get really clear on what it is you want. What you desire and be upfront with the person you start to see. This saves you a ton of drama and heartache later.

Once you have this kind of clarity of exactly what you want, it’s easy to call something off that just isn’t working for you and the goals of the relationship you want. Not hoping someone changes to be what you want, but actually finding someone that wants what you do.

Some love the hot and cold thing others hate it. It’s your ultimate decision on if this works for you and not. You know, trust your gut and call it off if it’s not. No reason to feel bad if the relationship goals are just different.

Would you like to try a session to work through what kind of relationship you would like? Let’s talk about it…