I hear how do I stop thinking about my ex a lot from my clients. Breakups are really painful and when you sit and think about your ex all the time, you are causing yourself more pain than you need to.

It’s normal 🙂

What I share with my clients is start listening to podcasts or learning something off YouTube.


You know all the words to the songs you’re listening to.

You don’t have to pay attention to the song anymore, so you mind wonders.

Maybe you are playing the same song over and over and over… just thinking. Overthinking, replaying memories, rehashing the last fight, replaying mean stuff she said to you and trying to figure out if it’s true or not all is part of what can happen when you are listening to music.

Don’t trust me on that…try it. Pay attention to what you are thinking as you listen to music.

I had a client zone out his entire drive home while just listening to music. I asked what he was thinking about and he had no clue. This is all part of not paying attention to what we are thinking so we know if we are causing ourselves pain or not.

Podcasts and YouTube videos have new information so your brain has to process it.

This keeps your mind from wondering to the what if’s, the why’s, the I wonders, the reliving memories, the I wish it would have moments.

Those all continue causing you pain.

Check out Podcasts on any topic you choose to listen to. Or search out a cool Youtube and learn something new.

It will help, I promise.

Try different ones, out of your comfort zone, learn something new…

It’s fun and exciting.

Let me know how it goes and which ones you are listening to.

Would you like to have a chat because this is difficult for you to do? Let’s talk about it…https://app.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php?owner=16705976&appointmentType=8231161