When does breakup pain go away? I wish there was a clear answer, but there isn’t.

Honestly, each human is different in how they process pain, hurt and grieving their relationship.

Trying to rush through the healing process will only make you return to the work you need to do down the road.

Brushing it off like it’s no big deal or you don’t care is not a lasting solution.  Eventually it will bubble back up.  Think back to the last time you got really angry.  Maybe you punched a wall.  Was the last thing that caused you to punch that wall really that big of a deal or was it the straw that broke the camels back?  Meaning, was it a bunch of stuff that finally bubbled over that you had been stuffing down over time?

Here’s how I find the breakup pain creeps back into my clients lives:

  • Anger
  • Distrust in their next relationship
  • Not fully engaging in their next relationship (my coach called this one foot in and the other foot out the door)
  • Walls up
  • Argue over things that aren’t really that important
  • Sadness
  • Question if you will ever love again
  • Settle with someone so you are not alone
  • Frustration
  • Emotions bubble up
  • Unable to concentrate at work
  • Inability to fully move on after an extended period of time
  • etc

The list is endless with how it creeps back in.

If you notice this happening…it’s time to get back to work in your healing.

Skipping the healing ensures you will continue to feel less than your best.

If you want help with this check out my deep discount hour session