life beginsComfort Zone and the Holy BLEEP Moment

So the last couple weeks I had an assignment from a group I’m apart of. This group is a bunch of coaches mixed in with an amazing artist who have been together for the last 6 months. We have all begun to start our businesses around the same time. It’s been an amazing journey together. Going from holy shit I don’t fit in here to holy shit I totally found my people and they get me within a few months. We freaked out on the building part, we grew, helped each other during a melt down when we doubted our decisions to leave jobs, pick niches that were outside of our comfort zones, getting real and showing the world who we are without holding back for the better of others or society. As we finished this up, I had to put together a goal and actually produce it before class was over…YIKES!!!

Let’s start with I’ve been putting this thing off for literally months. Talk about the ultimate writers block. I would doubt that I had anything worth putting down to give away for free that I was proud of. Really? Nothing I could give away for free? That just sounds icky and feels worse.  I hid for months on this project that was given away for free when I didn’t have any issues putting programs out, putting my coaching out, giving scholarships away, or anything else out into the world…it was the free thing that drove me up a wall, put me in tears a few times (ok more than a few times), gave me anxiety and all these other completely icky feelings. So I sat back when the panic was done and tried to figure out what the hell was going on when I couldn’t kick this feeling of not being able to get something together.

Comfort Zones are paralyzing especially when trying to break out of it. The self-doubt is off the hook and runs wild like a toddler in the sprinklers on a hot day. I couldn’t get a grip on mine until I finally said, “I’m done with this or I need to give up on this #bosslady stuff and go back to Corporate America”. That soft talk with myself, had me wake up Monday Morning ready to get started on this give away and complete it in 2 days.

I’ve put together 5 days of Creating Your Awesome.  I’m sneaking it to you all early before the world gets to see it next week.  This mini course is walking you through how to celebrate yourself and your accomplishments. It’s pretty cool if you ask me. I’ve learned over the years I haven’t stopped to celebrate everything I’ve done, accomplished, or how people see me for me. I would love for you to check it out. Sign up here to get your 5 days of emails delivered bright and early so you can start your day with it. Get started HERE.


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