blog2 picOk, I got it! Enough already…


I’ve experienced a funeral and a death this week already and it’s just Friday. There are some lessons I’ve taken away from this. First huge lesson is, no it’s not fair and never will be. I’ve learned to love more than you’ve ever loved before. Stop life and say what you mean to your loved ones. We get wrapped up in other things and forget to love and express the love you have for those around you. Find the people you comfortable with; your tribe of friends who appreciate you for being you and support you through all aspects of life. It’s ok to outgrow friendships if they no longer work for you. Slow down some…life is short. “The stop and smell the roses” thought process is an important one. I believe if you notice and appreciate the little things, you may just look back in life and notice they were the most important things. Influence peoples lives’ in the best possible way to help them shape their lives. Lastly, I learned that busy isn’t sexy. Sexy is experiencing life and enjoying your loved ones. Being too busy for what truly makes you happy isn’t a fulfilled life.

The funeral I attended was for a teacher who lost his battle to cancer. He was my mentor and teaching partner. To start, the outpouring of love from former students was amazing to watch. The viewing was standing room only. At the funeral, kids that had him 15+ years ago poured in to the church. If you are able to influence that many lives and be remembered so many years later, you did something right.

The sheer love I witnessed of all these people that he touched was life changing. The amount of love he gave to his wife and family as well as to his students. It made me stop and rethink what I was doing every day and what can I add to my world to show those around me, my love and appreciation of them.

We tend to find being busy sexy and a measurement to success. Busy isn’t sexy. Sexy is stopping and enjoying life with people you surround yourself with. What’s the old saying? People won’t mention what a great worker you were at your funeral or that you worked yourself to the bone to stay busy. This couldn’t be truer! Not once did I hear what a great worker he was. I heard what an influence he was in children’s lives far beyond their year in his classroom. The hours spent at sporting events and graduations.
I challenge you to start loving more, associating with people that make you feel awesome, and stop being so damn busy that life just passes you by.