IMG_4782No, nothing is wrong with you if you’re not married…


Have you ever sat back and thought, “I’m getting old I better do this whole marriage thing soon or people will think something is wrong with me”? Have you ever thought, “I’m getting divorced now what? Who am I”? Are/were you married and wished you never had taken the plunge? I get it completely!
I was 29 driving to work a month before my wedding having a full on panic attack on the freeway. I knew shit was serious then and I couldn’t get married. I called my brother balling my eyes out, short of breath and told him in between sobs, “I can’t marry him, but I’m so scared to tell mom and dad. They spent so much money on this wedding”.

I come from a crazy supportive family, so it all worked out for the best, however I still had to figure out who I was again. I was 29, not married and society told me I needed to be married by now…right? If I wasn’t married by 30 I was never going to get married because something was completely wrong with me…right? Yeah, that’s all complete BS. I totally didn’t believe I was beyond good without being married at the big THREE-ZERO. I was getting married because it was the right time and the right place, but it sure as shit wasn’t the right guy.

I’m super happy that I got to experience that ride I call the terrible 29 and came out on the other side of it confident, happy, and a way better partner because of all the lessons I learned.

Today, I get to work with unmarried women, divorced, or never married who wish they were married. I understand the pressure women feel to get married, stay married, and live by society’s unwritten rules. After working with me, my clients have a brand new set of rules that honor their truest desires, and plan to make all their wishes come alive.

I know all this is possible because I did it and there is truly a rainbow where you get to live your life just the way you want to.